P. 89
nanobox | tangerine User Manual
Dec 11, 2023
Position Parameters in Clip Mode
The following parameters apply when the Pad is in Clip mode.
Range of
Mod Target
Loop Mode
Controls whether the WAV file plays in a
loop. The whole WAV file will be played in
the loop for clip pads. Only forward looping
is supported with clip pads.
On, Off
Enter the number of beats in the clip file to
give tangerine more information to work
with when synchronizing playback to the
current clock. If set to Auto, tangerine will
attempt to detect the beat count
Auto, 1 to 512
Quant Size
Use Quant Size to quantize when the
playback starts and stops. Quantization will
cause playback to snap to a musical grid
with intervals specified by the Quant Size
parameter. When quantization is used, the
note trigger will cause playback to start and
end on the next quant size boundary. For
example, if the Quant Size is set to 1-bar
and you press the pad, the playback will
begin at the start of the next bar.
None - always
start and stop
1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2,
1 bar, 2 bars, 4
8 bars
Sync is only enabled when quantizing is
enabled (the Quant Size parameter is not
None.) The Sync feature prevents timing
drift that can occur when the length and
BPM of a clip does not align exactly with
the tempo of playback. When Sync is used,
tangerine will realign the audio to match
the clock at the step size specified here.
Even slight differences between WAV file
BPM and clock tempo can cause significant
drift over time. Select a value for Sync that
will control the size of the musical unit to
which the clip will be synchronized. Choose
small settings, like 1/16th, for rhythmic or
percussion clips. Choose large settings, like
1-bar, for sustained tones or drones
None –
playback will
occur at the
original rate.
Looping will
happen as
soon as the
sample ends.
1/16, 1/8,1/4, 1/2,
1 bar, Slice (See
To Use Slices
to Synchronize
Playback of
Clip Pads
below for