P. 100
nanobox | tangerine User Manual
Dec 11, 2023
Multi-Sample Recording Parameters Table
: If you have the Rec Config parameter set to Global on the nanobox Configuration
screen, the Recording page settings (excluding the Filename parameter) will be managed
as part of the tangerine’s global parameters and will be retained for use in subsequent
recording operations, even if you load a new preset or restart the tangerine. Set Rec Config
to Per Pad if you prefer to manage these settings for each individual pad.
Range of Values
The name of the folder that will store the
multi-sample bank recordings. It will also be
used as a prefix for the individual file names.
Push the right arrow button to open the file
naming screen. Be sure to select a unique
name to avoid mixing files from previous
recording sessions.
Must not contain any of the
following characters:
“ / \ ? * < > : |
Entire path name of all files
must be under 256 characters.
Start Note
The note that will be sent out as a trigger to
record the first WAV file.
C#-1 (1) through G9 (127)
End Note
The note that will be sent out to trigger the
last WAV file that will be recorded.
C#-1 (1) through G9 (127)
Sample Every
How many semi-tones or notes are between
each WAV file recorded. Set to 1 to record a
WAV file for each semi-tone. Set to 12 to
record one WAV per octave.
1 to 16
Vel Layers
The multi-sampler can record a WAV file for
different velocity levels per note. Choose how
many different velocity levels will be recorded.
1 to 16
Max Vel
The highest velocity that will be recorded
when recording more than one velocity layer
per note.
1 to 127
Note Length
In seconds, the length of time that the note
gate will be on.
1 to 60
Release Len
In seconds, the length of time that recording
will continue after the note length is over. This
will record the tail of the note.
1 to 16
The channel that will be used to send out the
MIDI signal to generate the notes on the
external instrument.
1 to 16