ConfoCor 3
Carl Zeiss
02/2010 M60-1-0025
Normally no compensation in z is necessary.
If this should be the case, you need a very
thin dye layer. Focus on the maximum by
scanning. Than perform a z-Scan by pressing
the xyz-Scan action button taking care to
have appropriate settings. Compare the peak
position with the focus position of the image
to obtain the offset.
If no position is selected in the ConfoCor 3,
the scanners and stage will stay and if no
offset, pan or rotation was defined, the
bleached spot will be at the center of the
image (Fig. 143).
If you want to stay at the optical axis, you
must position your measurement positions at
the position of the laser beam. With no
offset of the scan area defined, this will be
the center or the image in the ConfoCor 3
(Fig. 144), and an offset position in the
ConfoCor 2 (see Fig. 144). Note that the
offset coordinates will only be valid if the
same zoom and pixel size.
Fig. 143
Manual stage positioning with the
ConfoCor 3
Fig. 144
Manual stage positioning with the
ConfoCor 2