ConfoCor 3
Carl Zeiss
02/2010 M60-1-0025
The recorded word has the following structure (Fig. 130):
Fig. 130
Structure of the recorded word
Two examples should make the format clear (Fig. 131). The tables show part of the running pulse train
(from left to right) divided into clock cycles. "1" in the corresponding box indicates that a pulse arrived in
this cycle. The "counter" row shows the counter readings. The lowest row indicates when the word has
been recorded.
Fig. 131
Examples of the recorded word
Example 1 - The following words will be recorded:
at W1:
high byte: 00011001(bin) = 19 (hex); low byte: 123 (dec) = 7B (hex); resulting word = 7B19 (hex)
at W2:
high byte: 00000000(bin) = 00 (hex); low byte: 255 (dec) = FF (hex); resulting word = FF00 (hex)