Time Series
Dynamic processes in living specimens can be
recorded by means of time series. Data thus
acquired can be analyzed “off-line”, i.e. after image
acquisition, or “on-line”, i.e. right during the experi-
ment, for example in the Online Ratio mode.
Time series are defined by a start time and the
time interval between two successive images. The
series can be started by a mouse click, automati-
cally at a preselected time, or by some external
trigger. To analyze a time series, the Physiology
software option allows fluorescence intensity
changes to be quantified in defined regions of
interest (ROIs).
Within a time series, the LSM 510 permits selec-
tive, point-accurate illumination of ROIs with laser
This function is useful for generating a photo-
bleaching routine within a FRAP experiment
(fluorescence recovery after photobleaching), for
analyzing dynamic processes, and for the photo-
activation or photoconversion of suitable fluo-
rochromes. Complex time series experiments, with
different images to be taken at different sites
within a specimen according to a defined time
pattern, can be defined by means of a special soft-
ware option.
The procedure for a time series
Define the image dimensions to be recorded versus time
Z stack,
Optimize the recording conditions at minimum laser output to avoid or minimize bleaching
Define the number of images to be taken and the time interval between
two successive images
(Time Interval
Time Delay
Combine with a photobleaching routine if required: define the region to be bleached,
the laser line and its power, the number of bleaching actions,
and the bleaching start time within the series
Start the time series with the Start button, at a preselected time, or by an external trigger