ConfoCor 3
Action Buttons
Carl Zeiss
02/2010 M60-1-0025
Note, that calculation of an average will be performed at the beginning of the measurement. If
peak count rates will come at the beginning, this kind of dust filter does not work. Also, due to the
necessity to average signals over a certain integration time, more than only the peak area will be
discarded. Another outcome of the necessity to average the count rate signal is that several small
peaks following close to each other will be treated as a huge peak and might be cut out. This
means, in the
Automatic cut
mode accumulated count rates rather than peaks are removed. For
cross-correlation experiments, any of the regions discarded in either autocorrelation function will
not be used. Cut off regions are framed by stippled boxes and appear matted in the
Count Rate
Correlator Settings
You can determine the start value of the
Correlator binning time
s, the
Maximum correlator
in s and the start value for the
Correlator tau channels
by typing the values in the respective
selection boxes. Default values (
s and
) can be loaded by pressing the corresponding
default buttons on the right.
Correlator binning time
determines the minimal bin time used in the correlation analysis and
also the start correlation time, which will be identical to minimal bin time. The
correlator time
defines the end correlation time. It cannot exceed the measurement time and in
the ConfoCor it will never exceed 2/3 rd of the measurement time. Hence, the value will only be
used if equal to or smaller than 2/3 rd of the measurement time, if greater 2/3 rd of the
measurement time will be used automatically. The
Correlator tau channels
define the number of
linear increased Tau channels per multiple Tau step.
Count Rate Settings
You can either check the
Automatic count rate binning
box, in which case a dynamic binning is
chosen, or deactivate the box and type in a value in ms in the
Count rate binning
selection box for a
constant binning with the defined value. The default value of
ms can be loaded by pressing the default
button to the right.
Automatic count rate binning
is applied, the system averages three data points and rebinds
then data in dependence of the measurement time. The diagram will have a mean with
fluctuations above and below the mean. In constant binning, data points are not averaged. This will
result in a baseline with fluctuations above.
Photon Counting Histogram Settings
You can either check the
Automatic photon counting histogram binning
box, in which case 32
histograms with different binning times are calculated and the one with the best dynamic range (three
standard deviations) is chosen, or deactivate the box and type in a value in µs in the
histogram binning
selection box for a constant binning with the defined value. The default value of
µs can be loaded by pressing the default button to the right.