ConfoCor 3
System Configuration
Carl Zeiss
02/2010 M60-1-0025
Selection of dichroics and filters
Main dichroic beam splitter (MBS):
The MBS reflects the specified laser lines and
allows the resulting fluorescence spectrum to pass
Note that the MBS is from the LSM module for the
ConfoCor 3, but within the ConfoCor unit in the
ConfoCor 2. The MBS is positioned in a 10° angle
to the incident beam.
Click on the MBS icon to open a list of dichroics
(Fig. 24).
Select the appropriate one by a mouse click.
Close the list by clicking the icon again.
You have two major beam splitters, one for the
Visible light and one of the Invisible light (if
applicable). A plate should be placed in the
dichroic that will not be used. If the system is
not equipped with a violet laser line, the
Invisible light
major beam splitter is not
Fig. 24
System Configuration tab - Light
Path panel with MBS Vis (upper
panel) and Invis (lower panel)
dichroics list