Log in
The access level to the smoke ventilation panel is set in four levels.
Access to
Who has access
You can see the smoke ventilation panel from the outside with the door closed
and locked
You can open the panel house and operate the touch screen for showing the
status and manual operating of the windows.
All the menus on the touch screen can be viewed but no values can be changed.
Chosen persons with a
special key
You can open the panel house and operate the touch screen for showing status,
manual operating of the windows as well as configuration and changing the pre-
set values.
All the menus and sub menus can be seen and the values can be changed.
Access Level 3 can be locked with a PIN code, so there is only access to the
level when the PIN is entered
Chosen persons with a
special key and having
the PIN code for access
to level 3.
PIN code pre-set to
The user is on access level 2
The user is at access level 2.
To open for access level 3, enter the PIN for access level 3.
Enter PIN code
Enter PIN code.
Access approved to login level 3
The user is at access level 3.