14.2 Motor line
Actuators are to be connected on the motor lines.
±24V standard actuators and actuators with MotorLink
can be connected to all motor lines, but a motor line can only be
connected to one type of actuators
– either ±24V standard or MotorLink
14.2.1 Motor line - numbering
All motor lines are numbered and they are all to be configured.
14.2.2 Motor line - configuration
Press ”Motor line” and the overview of the motor lines in the smoke ventilation panel is shown.
configuration motor lines
One motor line is marked with a
as the configuration is missing.
All motor lines are configured.
Both actuators outputs on the main control card as well as the eight actuators outputs on the motor line card
– if such is
– are to be configured:
- Motor lines with actuators connected
are to be configured in “motor group
- Motor lines with no actuator connected
are set to “none“
Since ±24V actuators and actuators with MotorLink
are not to be configured exactly the same way, both type of actuators are
listed below with the settings that are to be configured for each actuator type. Be aware that both types of actuators can be
connected to the smoke panel at the same time.
For ±24V actuators the full chain length is define as a runtime of 60 seconds. When the smoke panel is to be 100% sure that the
windows ae 100% open or closed, the chain length is run twice (120). This can have an influence when configuring the a
sequence control.