2. Press the number of the selected break glass unit on the overview on the touch screen
→ press
until the menu point
– “bip 1min for locating” is shown → press ”No” → select ”Yes”. The selected break glass unit will now beep if the
door on the break glass unit is closed.
The break glass units are monitored and the connection of the break glass units to the smoke ventilation panel depends of the
number of smoke zones:
1. when 1 smoke zone the break glass units are connected in series and connected directly to the WCA 3SP card
2. when 2 smoke zones the break glass units are connected in each their series and connected directly to the WCA 3SP card
3. when 3 smoke zones the break glass units are connected in a ring
See section ”10.4 main control card WCA 3SP” for further information on connection of break glass units.
Note: The break glass unit must be set in ring and the setting to "Yes" to have the error indication on
the ‘All’ (group field) on the
overview of the break glass units.
Break glass unit configuration
Overview ’Break glass units
Overview ’Break glass units
Break glass units are to be configured in
Configuration of ‘Topology’
Bus topology is ring -
see text about “Topology” below
The appendix contains all the items that can be configured
- see appendix for detailed explanation.
Configuration of a selected ‘Break glass unit’
shown for no.1
The numbered break glass units
Device type
Serial number: the break glass unit’s unique serial no. is shown
(cannot be configured)
Associated smoke zone
Use comfort inputs in smoke zone
Comfort motor group
Br.glass unit+sensor same smoke zone
Smoke sensor associated with smoke zone
only if ‘Other smoke zone‘ is selected)
Unit beep 1min for locating
Delete this unit
The appendix contains all the items that can be configured
- see appendix for detailed explanation.