WIKA operating instructions pneumatic high pressure controller, model CPC7000
0019104001D 10/2018EN
6. Operation
6.4.10 Troubleshooting Application
The Troubleshoot Application can be found by navigating to the second page in Apps section by clicking on the
Next Page [
] button. The Troubleshoot App will display information about error conditions and remote
communications. Within the troubleshoot screen (Figure 6.4.10-B), push the Error button to display any errors
that have occurred in the instrument due to a communication or network error. Push the Remote button to show
commands and responses that have been sent over the remote communication connection.
If there are any errors in the error queue an error symbol [
] will appear in all screens (Figure 6.4.10-A) of the instrument.
Pressing this error button from any screen will open the Troubleshoot application where the error can be viewed.
Figure 6.4.10-A Error Indication
Figure 6.4.10-B Troubleshoot Screen