WIKA operating instructions pneumatic high pressure controller, model CPC7000
0019104001D 10/2018EN
6. Operation
Preset Steps
The user can have up to 12 different points along the range of the device under test (DUT). The Preset Steps button allows the user
to enter the number of points and then automatically divides the range in equivalent percentages. For example if the user needs
5 distinct points along the DUT range then enter 5 in the numeric keypad and press Enter [
] button. CPC7000 will create
setpoints at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the DUT range (Figure The user also has the option of changing these
percentage values or adding aditional values as needed by clicking on the individual Percentage button on the Step Settings app.
The user can enter any percentage between 0 and 100. The desired value can then be chosen by checking the box [
] beside
the Percentage button.
Figure 5 Preset Steps
Figure Percentage Value Added - 90%