WIKA operating instructions pneumatic high pressure controller, model CPC7000
0019104001D 10/2018EN
Stability Parameters
Stability parameters for the controlled pressure can be configured using the Stable Window and Stable Delay buttons. When the
controller enters a stable condition the pressure indication color on the Home App will change from white to green. The Stable
Window button allows the user to enter a value as a percentage of the highest range transducer. This value represents the
pressure window within which any setpoint value would be considered stable by the user. The Stable Delay button lets the user
add a desired delay until the pressure value is considered stable while being in the stable window.
Figure Stability Parameters
Rate Setpoint
The Rate Setpoint button allows the user to set the rate of pressure change when the CPC7000 is controlling up or down to a
setpoint (Figure The rate is limited from 1 bar/second to 10% of span of active range of the transducer / second upto a
maximum of 10 bar/second.
Figure Rate Setpoint
6. Operation