Virginia Controls, LLC
MH-3000 User Manual, 1_03C10-VC
Page 75
If Ent is pressed again, then the controller will turn off all outputs and the controller will
go into the Set-up Mode. A banner will be displayed for 1 second indicating the Set-up
Mode has been entered. The first selection of the Set-up Menu will then be displayed.
If any other key is pressed from the warning screen, the controller will return to the Run
Mode, and the controller will continue operating as normal.
LED D5 will flash every 10 seconds in the Set-up Mode, indicating that the CPU is still
running normally.
Effect of Diagnostic Modes on Scan Time
The microprocessor scan time is very fast, with each scan taking about 7 milliseconds.
Servicing the LCD display is one of the more time consuming tasks that the microprocessor
does, so when the LCD display needs to be updated regularly, the microprocessor must slow
down to allow it to accept the data. Consequently, the scan time is slower when in the
"Show I/O Status" and "Show Internal Memory" Modes, than when displaying other screens.
The car will still operate normally, but it is recommended that the display not be left in
those modes when those screens are not specifically being used. The LCD can be left
showing the “Show Car Status” screen, since this updates the screen while the I/O is being
polled, consequently the impact on the scan time is minimal.
NOTE: With program version 3A, dated March 2005, and later, the scan time has been
optimized for IO communication, so the impact on scan time is minimal no matter what
screen is being viewed.