Chapter -
Revision 00
© Versum Materials, Inc. as of the revision and date shown. All rights reserved.
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level of security and higher that have Write access to the 2nd Security Access window
will be allowed to change one or more degrees of access. Changes to the degree of
access cannot allow a 2nd level operator greater access than a higher level operator.
8.8.24 3
Security Access
The 3rd Security Access window will display all available user functions. For each
function, the window will display the current operator’s degree of access at the 3rd level
of security. The degrees of access will be No Access, Read Only, or Write. The
operator will be allowed to view the access list or exit the window. Only users with the
VM password will be allowed to change the 3rd security access.
8.8.25 System Setup
The System Setup window will display the option to change either local or network
options. It also allows the change of the IP settings. Local Setup
The Local Setup selection will display the Local Setup window. This window will
display the menu timeout values. The window will allow the operator to exit the
window or change one of the following:
Change Exhaust Stack Size
The Change Exhaust Stack Size option will allow the operator to enter the exhaust
diameter in inches.
Password Protected Reset