Chapter - 1
Revision 00
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source is present. A flammable gas also presents an asphyxiating hazard in
sufficient quantities to reduce oxygen concentration below 19.5%, however
fire/explosion is typically the primary hazard.
Adequate ventilation is necessary
Adequate ventilation helps reduce the possible formation of flammable mixtures in
the event of a flammable gas leak. See tables in section 3.7 which list the exhaust
requirements per enclosure size for all gases.
NOTE: To avoid any possible hazardous reactions (i.e. fire,
explosion, extremely corrosive or toxic mixtures) never vent
incompatible gases out the same duct!
Continually monitor the atmosphere
Continually monitoring the atmosphere with a gas leak detector will alert the
operator to a flammable or explosive atmosphere in the area.
NOTE: The installation of a hydride detector is strongly
recommended for silane and other pyrophoric gases to detect
leaks or pockets of gas that may not spontaneously ignite!
Versum Materials, Inc. strongly recommends installation of a hydride detector to
detect gas pocketing of pyrophoric gases.
Guidelines to avoid forming combustible mixtures