Appendix -
Revision 0
© Versum Materials, Inc. as of the revision and date shown. All rights reserved.
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Page APP
Outside Diameter; Tube and Fittings
1/4" up to not including 1/2", +0.004"/-0.000";
1/2" to not including 1-1/2", +- 0.005";
1-1/2" up to not including 3-1/2", +- 0.010";
3-1/2" up to and including 4"; +- 0.015"
Interior Surface Finish Requirements:
The interior surface of each tube and fitting shall be electropolished to a microinch surface
roughness standard of 7 Ra microinch average (10 Ra maximum).
Gases and Deionized Water for Drying, Cleaning, Testing:
Argon or nitrogen used for drying and packaging shall be supplied from a liquid source and
have the following point of use quality:
Minimum purity:
99.998 percent
Less than 1 ppm
Less than 3 ppm
Total Hydrocarbons:
Less than 1 ppm
Filtered to no more than 10 particles per scf larger than 0.02 microns at point of use.
Deionized water used for cleaning shall have the following minimum point of use
requirements and be verified on a monthly basis by an independent laboratory:
Resistivity: 18 megohm centimeters @ 25°C minimum
Total Organic Carbon: Less than 50 ppb
Viable Bacteria Colonies: Less than or equal to ten/100 milliliters
Filtered to: 0.1 microns at point of use
DI water purity shall conform to the guidelines set forth be SEMI.
Tube Cleaning:
After electropolishing, tubing shall be final cleaned with deionized water as a final cleaning
agent and dried with filtered nitrogen. Freon shall not be used as a cleaning agent.
Final cleaning of tubing shall be performed under Class 100 clean room conditions.
Tube washing shall utilize heated DI water (60oC, minimum). The tube shall be flushed
with heated DI water until the resistivity of the effluent measures at least 17.5 Megohm-cm
for diameters less than 3 inches and 17.0 megohm-cm for diameters greater than or equal
to 3 inches.
The tube shall be blown dry with heated nitrogen gas
Fittings Cleaning