Chapter - 1
Revision 00
© Versum Materials, Inc. as of the revision and date shown. All rights reserved.
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handwheels. Use
the tool specified by your gas supplier to open
and close diaphragm type cylinder valves to avoid over torquing these
If a cylinder valve protection cap is extremely difficult to remove, do not
apply excessive force or pry the cap loose. Attach a label to the cylinder identifying
the problem and notify the personnel responsible for returning cylinders about the
defective cylinder. Obtain another cylinder. Do not attempt to open a frozen cap as
this would damage the cylinder valve and
could result in personal injury or death.
Do not rotate the cylinder using the cylinder valve handle. This may
open the cylinder valve and cause a high pressure gas leak.
replace the gas specified for use in the source system with
another type of gas cylinder. Incompatible gases could cause fires,
explosions or extremely corrosive or toxic mixtures which can
personal injury or death.
If another type of gas is required for use in the
gas source system, contact Versum Materials, Inc. immediately.
A valve outlet sealing cap
be supplied on all toxic, corrosive and
pyrophoric gases. Consult your gas supplier if there is no sealing cap on
any of the above types of gas cylinders.
Cylinder valves are available with removable flow restrictor orifices in
the valve outlet for use with gas cylinders. This flow restrictor orifice
significantly limits the rate of release of gas from the valve outlet during
transportation, storage and use, due to a valve or system failure. Verify
that your gases are supplied in cylinders with valves that have the
appropriate flow restrictor orifice. Note that there are different size flow
restrictor orifices available. Verify that the correct size is being used for
your specific situation. A quality control program should be established
to assure that your supplier has installed the correct flow restrictor orifice
in the valve outlet after the filling operation has been completed.