Chapter - 1
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psig [14 barg] minimum). The cylinder should be changed out at this point to
prevent process gas from backstreaming into the purge gas cylinder.
1.11 Typical Minimal Lockout or Tagout System Procedures
NOTE: The following OSHA document is included to help you develop a
lockout/tagout procedure for the Gasguard System. A written procedure is
required for any work performed under lockout/tagout. It must be reviewed,
approved and understood by all participants who are trained to perform the
(Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Para. 1910.147)
Although OSHA does not have jurisdiction outside the United States of America,
it is Versum Materials, Inc. recommendation that Lockout, or Tagout procedures
be followed, except where local laws are more stringent.
Lockout is the preferred method of isolating machines or equipment from energy
sources. To assist employers in developing a procedure which meets the
requirements of the standard, the following simple procedure is provided for use in
both lockout and tagout programs. This procedure may be used when there are
limited number of types of machines or equipment or there is a single power
source. For a more complex system, a more comprehensive procedure will need to
be developed, documented and utilized.