Pathfinder DVL Guide
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Page 65
Creating or Modifying Command Files
Command files are simply ASCII files produced by ASCII editors such as NotePad that set Pathfinder
command parameters. In general, they contain ASCII characters that are sent out through the serial port.
To create a command file
Copy the example command file into NotePad and edit the commands as needed. Refer to the
for detailed information on each command.
If the first character of a line is a semi-colon, then all characters after the semi-colon (including
the semi-colon) are ignored. This feature is to provide file comments that the user may insert for
Use one command per line.
Save the file. Command files can have *.rds, *.txt, *.scr, or any other extension as long as they are
ASCII text files.
The example command file has comments that explain the function of each command. It is a
good idea to keep the comments and edit them when making command changes.
The following shows an example printout of a command file.
; Pathfinder type: 600 kHz Pathfinder
; Setup name: Pathfinder.txt
; Setup type: Bottom Track only
; NOTE: Any line beginning with a semicolon in the first column is
; treated as a comment and is ignored by the software.
; Modified Last: 18 March 2015
; **************************************
; Pathfinder Basic Setup Commands
; **************************************
; Restore factory default settings in the Pathfinder
; set the data collection baud rate to 15200 bps,
; no parity, one stop bit, 8 data bits
; Flow Control – set to default
; **************************************
; Pathfinder Bottom Track Setup Commands
; **************************************
; Enable single-ping bottom track,
Set maximum bottom search depth to 200 meters
; **************************************
; Pathfinder Environment Setup Commands
; **************************************
; Set Heading Alignment to 0 degrees
; NOTE. If the Pathfinder is r45 degrees starboard
; (recommended alignment), set EA to EA+45000
; Set manual transducer depth in case depth sensor fails
; Set Salinity to saltwater
; Output earth coordinates, use tilts, allow 3 beam
; solutions and bin mapping
; Set to use internal sensors
; **************************************