Pathfinder DVL Guide
Page 66
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
; Pathfinder Timing Setup Commands
; **************************************
; Set Time between Ensembles to zero (Pathfinder will ping as fast as possible)
; Set Time between Pings to zero (Pathfinder will ping as fast as possible)
; **************************************
; Pathfinder Water Profiling Setup Commands
; **************************************
; Note: By default, water profiling is turned off.
; To use water profiling, set the WP command >0
; Bin size set to 400 cm
; Number of bins set to 50
; **************************************
; Pathfinder Expert Command Section
; **************************************
; CAUTION - Editing or adding expert commands to the command file will
; allow items that if set incorrectly can cause the data to
; be the wrong format, bad, and/or uncorrectable even in post
; processing.
; Disable Water-Mass Layer Mode (default)
; **************************************
; Turnkey mode on - Pathfinder will ping when power turned on.
; CAUTION – Pathfinder must be in water BEFORE command file is sent.
; **************************************
; Environmental Data Output – sets specialized attitude data types
; Phased Array transducer default
; Set Heading Bias to 0 degrees
; NOTE. Set #EV = [(local magnetic declaration)*100]
; Select type of external sensor to use
#EY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
; Set output data format to #PD0
; Save this setup to non-volatile memory in the Pathfinder
; Start pinging
The commands shown in Table 14
explain each command set by the example command file. These com-
mands directly affect the range of the Pathfinder, standard deviation (accuracy) of the data, ping time,
and power usage.
Teledyne RD Instruments
strongly recommends
that the commands shown in Table 14 be the
commands that should be sent to the Pathfinder.
Although these are TRDI’s recommended minimum commands, they may not be the only
commands needed for the deployment to be successful!
Editing or adding expert commands (#xx) to the command file will allow items that if set
incorrectly can cause the data to be the wrong format, bad, and/or uncorrectable even in
post processing.
The deployment may require additional commands and these commands can be sent any
time after the CR1 command but must be placed before the CK command.