Pathfinder DVL Guide
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Page 129
#EJ - Pitch Misalignment Angle
Corrects for a physical pitch-like misalignment between the y-axis of the instrument and
the ship’s forward axis.
The #EJ command must be sent with the # sign.
±nnnnn = -17999 to 18000 1/100ths of a degree
Set as needed.
#EJ is a rotation about the ship's starboard axis. It is defined as the pitch of the ship
when the instrument is level.
For systems that are fixed in place on a moving vessel and that have an external pitch
source or an internal pitch source, use #EJ to set the amount of rotation that the instru-
ment’s y-axis is physically offset from the ship’s forward axis.
For systems that are stationary and have an internal compass, #EJ is typically set to zero
since the velocity data is referenced to either beam, instrument or geographic coordinates
instead of ship coordinates. However, a non-zero value may be used if ship attitude out-
put data is desired for other purposes (see
EE - Environmental Data Output