Pathfinder DVL Guide
Page 118
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Environmental Commands
The Pathfinder uses the following commands to control the environmental and positional information
that affects internal data processing.
Available Environmental Commands
This section lists the available Environmental commands.
Available Commands:
EA +00000 ----------------- Heading Alignment [.01 deg cw]
EC 1500 ------------------- Speed Of Sound [m/s]
ED 00000 ------------------ Xdcr Depth [dm]
EH 00000,1 ---------------- Heading {heading;frame}
EP +0000,+0000,1 ---------- Tilts {pitch;roll;frame}
ER +0000 ------------------ Roll [.01 deg cw]
ES 35 --------------------- Salinity [ppt]
ET 2100 ------------------- Water Temperature [.01 deg C]
EU 0 ---------------------- Orientation [0=Switch,1=Up,2=Down]
EV +00000 ----------------- Heading Bias [.01 deg cw]
EX 10111 ------------------ Coordinate Transformations
EZ 10000010 --------------- Sensor Source {c;d;h;p;r;s;t;u}
E? ------------------------ Display E-Command Menu
EA - Heading Alignment
Corrects for physical misalignment between Beam 3 and the heading reference.
The EA command work ONLY without the # sign.
±nnnnn = -17999 to 18000 (-179.99 to 180.00 degrees)
Set as needed.
EA is a heading alignment angle (referenced to Beam 3) used as a new zero reference for
heading output and for transformation to earth coordinates. Use the
command to correct for heading bias (e.g., magnetic declination).
The Pathfinder is mounted on a ship/vehicle with beam 3 aligned at a +45 degree angle
(i.e. clockwise) from the forward axis of the ship/vehicle. Use the EA command to tell the
Pathfinder where beam 3 is in relation to the ship’s centerline. To c45 to an EA-
command value, multiply the desired alignment angle in degrees by 100:
EA = +45.00 × 100 = +4500 = EA+04500