Pathfinder DVL Guide
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Page 51
The purpose of this section is to provide a list of critical tests to perform when the system is not operat-
ing to either specifications or expectations. Additionally, this procedure will also provide a step by
step guide to configuration of the TRDI DVL to record all available data for troubleshooting with TRDI
support. The information acquired from these procedures will allow the user to solve many encoun-
tered technical problems. Should assistance from TRDI be required, the information acquired will
greatly expedite our analysis and service provided.
Communications Issues
. If you have problems communicating with the Pathfinder
check to make sure that you are selecting the right COM port, baud rate, parity (none), stop bits (1), flow
control (none).
Windows is finicky when it comes to USB to serial adapters. Most adapters that TRDI tried did
not work. One adapter that works well is
Possibly any device with FTDI drivers and devices will also work.
Initial Shakedown Deployment
Troubleshooting Checklist
This list contains the different tasks that should be performed on the site where you experience data qual-
ity issue(s):
Identify Unit
Prepare a separate log file (If using TRDI Toolz, press the Log icon) or add at the beginning of your logged
deployment data the returns from the following commands:
+++ or if using TRDI Toolz you can either send $B, click the Break button, or pre ss <E nd > on
the k eyb oa rd
; e n s u r e t r a n s d u c e r b e a m s a r e f u l l y s u b m e r g e d i n w a t e r p r i o r t o p e r f o r m i n g t h i s t e s t
The returns from these commands will provide the unit Firmware version, the system operating fre-
quency, beam matrix information and verify that the electronics are working as expected.
Run Built-In Tests
If something FAILED in the PA test, repeat the test several times rotating the unit by 90 degrees for each
test. By doing so, it may be determined that the failure is directional and most likely due to external envi-
ronment. Please be sure to log the results by pressing <F3> if using TRDI Toolz to communicate with the
Failures might be observed IF:
Other magnetic or acoustic devices or high current system are in the vicinity of the unit,
The Pathfinder DVL is exposed to electrical interference such as that from other acoustic devices
or SONARs or other electronic devices (i.e. cellphones, radios, computers, TV’s, etc.).