Pathfinder DVL Guide
Page 150
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
The Pathfinder uses #WC to screen water-track data for the minimum acceptable correla-
tion requirements. The nominal (maximum) correlation depends on system frequency
and depth cell size (
). The #WC command sets the threshold of the
correlation below, which the Pathfinder flags the data as bad and does not average the
data into the ensemble.
The default threshold for all frequencies is 64 counts. A solid target would have a correlation
of 255 counts.
#WE – Error Velocity Threshold
Sets the maximum error velocity for good water-current data.
The WE command works with or without the # sign. For example, using WE or #WE are both
valid commands.
nnnn = 0 to 5000 mm/s
The default setting is set purposely high. We recommend extreme caution and testing before
changing this setting.
Data rejected by this command is lost and cannot be regained.
The #WE-command sets a threshold value used to flag water-current data as good or bad.
If the Pathfinder’s error velocity value exceeds this threshold, it flags data as bad for a
given depth cell. The #WE command screens for error velocities in both beam and trans-
formed-coordinate data. Setting the #WE command to zero (#WE0) disables error veloc-
ity screening.
#WJ – Receiver Gain Select
Allows the Pathfinder to reduce receiver gain by 40 dB for profile and water mass mode
The WJ command works with or without the # sign. For example, using WJ or #WJ are both
valid commands.
n = 0 (low), 1 (high)
The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.
#WJ0 tells the Pathfinder to reduce receiver gain by 40 dB. This may increase data relia-
bility in shallow-water applications where there is a high content of backscatter material.
#WJ1 (the default) uses the normal receiver gain.