Pathfinder DVL Guide
Page 94
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
This section defines the commands to set up and control the Pathfinder. Teledyne RD Instruments recom-
mend using a TRDI Toolz script file to control the Pathfinder because entering commands directly from a
terminal can be difficult. Make sure to read and understand
Creating or Modifying Command Files
fore deploying the Pathfinder. Most Pathfinder command settings use factory-set values (Table 20). If
these values are changed without thought, the deployment may be ruined. Be sure to know what effect
each command has before using it. Call Teledyne RD Instruments for help in understanding the function
of any command.
This section applies to Pathfinder firmware 67.01.
When new firmware versions are released, some commands may be modified, added, or
removed. Read the README file on the upgrade disk or online. When an addition or
correction to this manual is needed, an Interim Change Notice (ICN) will be posted to our web
site. Please check our Teledyne RD Instrument’s web site often at
Data Communication and Command Format
Enter commands with a Windows®-compatible computer running TRDI Toolz. The Pathfinder communi-
cates with the computer through an RS-232 serial interface or Ethernet. TRDI initially sets the Pathfinder
at the factory to communicate at 115200 baud, no parity, and one stop bit.
Immediately after power is applied to the Pathfinder, it enters the STANDBY mode. Send a software break
may be sent by sending either “+++” or “===”. When the Pathfinder first powers up or receives a BREAK
signal, it responds with a wake-up message similar to the one shown below. The Pathfinder is now ready
to accept commands at the “>” prompt from either a terminal or computer program.
Teledyne RD Instruments (c) 2017
All rights reserved.
Firmware Version: 67.xx
If using a terminal/program other than
TRDI Toolz
, the BREAK length (up to down transition)
must last at least 300 ms. The Pathfinder may respond to breaks shorter than this, so care
must be taken to avoid transients on the communication lines.
By default, the Turnkey mode is OFF (CT0). If Turnkey mode is ON (CT1) then the Pathfinder
DVL will ping within 10 seconds if a command is not received (see
Command Input Processing
Input commands set Pathfinder operating parameters, start data collection, run built-in tests (BIT), and
asks for output data. All commands are ASCII character(s) and must end with a carriage return <CR>. For
>BP0001<CR> [input]
If the entered command is valid, the Pathfinder executes the command. If the command is one that does
not provide output data, the Pathfinder sends a carriage return line feed <CR> <LF> and displays a new
“>” prompt. Continuing the example,
>BP00001<CR> [the original input]
> [Pathfinder response to a valid, no-output command]