Pathfinder DVL Guide
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Page 115
Table 25:
Retrieve Parameters
Format Description
Loads into volatile memory the command set last stored in non-volatile memory (user settings) using
the CK Command.
Loads into volatile memory the factory default command set stored in ROM (factory settings).
Loads into volatile memory the factory defaults Ethernet Settings stored in ROM (Ethernet Parame-
The CR command keeps the present baud rate and does not change it to the value stored in
non-volatile memory or ROM. This ensures the Pathfinder maintains communications with
the terminal/computer.
CS – Start Pinging (Go)
Starts the data collection cycle (same as the Tab key).
The CR1 command must be the first command sent to the Pathfinder. The
just before the CS command. The CS command is the last command sent.
Use CS (or the Tab key) to tell the Pathfinder system to start pinging its transducer and
collecting data as programmed by the other commands.
CT - Turnkey Operation
Allows the Pathfinder to initialize to predefined parameters and start pinging within 10
seconds after power is applied, or a break is received, if no command is entered.
The CT commands work with or without the # sign. For example, using CT or #CT are both
valid commands.
n = 0 to 1 (0 = Off, 1 = Turnkey)
The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.
Setting the CT command to CT1 lets the Pathfinder automatically initialize to a prede-
fined command set during any power up or after a break.
To place the Pathfinder in turnkey mode, first set all other commands to the desired con-
figuration. Then send the CT1 and CK commands to save this configuration (see
). When power is cycled or a break is sent, the Pathfinder will start up
with the desired configuration and begin the data collection process unless a valid com-
mand is sent within 10 seconds.
Turnkey mode can be interrupted by sending a <BREAK>. This will place the Pathfinder
in the command mode, ready to accept input for another 10 seconds. To turn off the turn-
key mode, first send a <BREAK> to the Pathfinder. Now send the CT0 and CK commands
to save this configuration. When power is cycled or a break is again sent, the Pathfinder
will NOT begin the data collection process.