Pathfinder DVL Guide
Page 24
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
ROM Test...PASS [ 3aad ]
RAM test...PASS
FRAM test...PASS
Receive Buffer Test...PASSED
Receive Path Test (Hard Limited)...PASSED
Transmit/Receive Continuity Check...PASSED
Composite Result:
GO for Deployment
10. If the wakeup displays, PS0 displays, and PA message displays with a result of “GO for Deploy-
ment”, the Pathfinder is functioning normally.
11. If the result shows “NO-GO for deployment” then run a PT200 test to obtained a more detailed
log of the failure. See
Caring for the Pathfinder System
This section contains a list of items to be aware of every time handling, using, or deploying the Pathfinder.
Please refer to this list often.
General Handling Guidelines
Never set the Pathfinder transducer on a hard or rough surface.
This may leave an indentation in
the urethane or damage the urethane face, anodized finish, or paint.
Do not expose the transducer face to prolonged sunlight (24 hours or more).
The urethane face
may develop cracks.
Cover the transducer face on the Pathfinder if it will be exposed to sunlight.
Do not store the Pathfinder in temperatures over 60 degrees C or under -25 degrees C.
The inter-
nal components and/or urethane face may be damaged.
Do not scratch or damage the O-ring surface or grooves on the transducer.
If scratches or damage
exists, they may provide a leakage path and cause the Pathfinder to flood.
Do not risk a deployment
with damaged O-ring surface.
Do not lift or support a Pathfinder by the external cables.
The connector or cable will break.
Apply lubricant prior to each cable connection.
Regular lubrication is required: Apply silicone lubri-
cant prior to each connection.
Do not connect or disconnect the cables with power applied. When the cable is connected with
power applied, it may cause a small spark.
The connector pins may become pitted and worn.
The cables may be connected while slightly wet; do not connect under water.
Installation Guidelines
Loose, missing, stripped hardware or damaged O-rings can
lead to water ingress and damage the
Do not connect other metal to the Pathfinder.
Other metals may cause corrosion damage. Isolating
bushings must be used when mounting the Pathfinder to a metal structure if the transducer is
bolted to the vehicle.