Pathfinder DVL Guide
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Page 111
#BY – Transmit Length
Scales the bottom mode transmit.
The BY commands work with or without the # sign. For example, using BY or #BY are both
valid commands.
nn = 0 to 100 %
The default setting for this command should never be changed without through testing, as
changes to
this parameter have the potential to produce incorrect velocity and/or range data.
The BY command sets the transmit length for a bottom track ping as a percentage of the
altitude over the sea bottom. The default setting has been designed to optimize the
tradeoff between energy consumption and the ability to detect the bottom with combined
tilt/slope of up to about 15 degrees. Smaller values result in shorter transmits, which use
less energy, but which may not fully ensonify the beam on the sea bottom, especially if the
instrument is tilted or if the bottom has a slope, resulting in velocity bias. Larger values
result in longer transmit pulses (up to a point) which may allow bottom detection at
larger values of tilt/slope, but will consume more energy, and may decrease the resolution
of the range-to-bottom measurement.
#BZ – Low Altitude Mode
Turns on or off the Low Altitude Bottom Track mode.
The BZ command works only with the # sign.
n = 0 to 1 (0 = OFF, 1 = ON)
The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.
#BZ 0 turns off the Low-Altitude bottom function. #BZ 1 turns on the Low-Altitude bot-
tom function.