Pathfinder DVL Guide
Page 98
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Command Descriptions
Each listing includes the command’s purpose, format, default setting (if applicable) range, recommended
setting, and description. When appropriate, we include amplifying notes and examples. If a numeric value
follows the command, the Pathfinder uses it to set a processing value (time, range, percentage, processing
flags). All measurement values are in metric units (mm, cm, and dm).
? – Help Menus
Lists the major help groups.
x? (see description)
Entering ? by itself displays all command groups. To display help for one command
group, enter x?, where x is the command group to view. When the Pathfinder displays the
help for a command group, it also shows the format and present setting of those com-
mands. To see the help or setting for one command, enter the command followed by a
question mark. For example, to view the WP command setting, enter WP?.
See below.
Pathfinder DVL
Teledyne RD Instruments (c) 2017
All rights reserved.
Firmware Version: 67.xx
Available Commands:
# ------------------------ Expert Commands
B ------------------------ Bottom Track Commands
C ------------------------ Control Commands
E ------------------------ Environment Commands
M ------------------------ Loop Recorder Commands
O ------------------------ Feature Control
P ------------------------ Performance Test Commands
T ------------------------ Time Commands
W ------------------------ Water Profiling Commands
? ------------------------ Display Main Menu
Available Commands:
#PD 0 ---------------------- Data Stream Select, 0,4,5,6,13
#PE 00000 ------------------ Ethernet Data Streams Bitmask (PD0,4,5,6,13)
#P? ------------------------ Display P-Command Menu