IMx-M Manager
2 - 74
SKF Multilog O
n-Line System IMx-M
User Manual
Clear Display Window
clears the output window.
Capture to Disk
saves responses or messages generated by commands
and interfaces to a file. It will be located in the same directory as the
currently open project.
Advanced debug mode
shall not be used. This is only for a critical fault
recovery situation where SKF Condition Monitoring Center must be
contacted first.
Validating and Saving Protection Configurations
Validating and Saving are done on the Project level which include configurations of all
the installed slots.
Figure 2 - 55.
"File" Menu.
To validate slot configurations , from the Main Menu, select
Assuming there are no issues, return to the main menu, select
and then
. This
will either create a new, or update an ex
isting master project file (*.mhf) and slot
configuration files (*.bin).
Detailed information are found in Validate and Save in "File" Menu Selection chapter.
Sending Protection Configuration to Protection Module
Once the slot configuration has been validated and the configuration file (*.bin) has been
created and saved, this slot configuration file can be sent to a protection module.
Disarming a Slot
Before the slot configuration file can be sent, the slot must be disarmed. See Slot
Disarm for different ways to disarm slot.
Sending Protection Configuration to PRM
The procedure of sending the protection configuration (.bin) to protection module is
described in the PRM Serial Interface in "Serial Communication" Menu Selection.