Measurement Types
2 - 12
SKF Multilog O
n-Line System IMx-M
User Manual
Average Mode
In Average mode the measurement is the mean of all the samples collected
between two adjacent trigger pulses.
Triggered Mode
In Triggered mode the measurement is the mean of the samples collected
between the configured start angle and stop angle. The reference point (zero
degree) is the point where the speed sensor will deliver a falling edge to the
digital input.
Measurement Angle
A wide measurement angle will provide a measurement based on a greater
number of samples. This will attenuate random noise in the in signal and the
measurement accuracy will be better.
The narrowest measurement angle at the highest supported speed will deliver
a measurement based on one single sample and any noise present in the in
signal will appear in the measurement.
The number of samples a measurement is based on is a function of the sample
rate, the rotational speed of the machine and the configured measurement
angle. The Sample rate is 20 480 Hz.
There is always a minimum of 1 sample in a measurement.
Figure 2 - 9.
Visualization of Start and Stop Angles.
Red shading indicates unsafe angles close to trigger point. (360