IMx-M Manager
SKF Multilog On
-Line System IMx-M
2 - 67
User Manual
Figure 2 - 48.
Notification Window Show
ing the Location of ".bin" Configuration File.
Important - Configurations are only saved via this menu option and not
continuously as the project is being configured. This means that in the event of a
system failure (a PC crash), any work not saved will be lost. So remember to use
the Save option regularly.
Use this menu option to exit from the application. If the current project has
unsaved changes, then the following message will be displayed.
Figure 2 - 49.
Saving Changes Prior to the Application Closing.
If there are severe validation errors, then exiting the application without
correcting those errors will cause all and any changes made being lost.
"Show" Menu Selection
System Notifications
displays system messages.
"Serial Communication" Menu Selection
COM Port
indicates the serial port interface for the communication.
Serial (USB) interface on a condition monitoring module (CMM serial interface) is used
to transfer the network configuration to the IMx-M rack slot wise.
Serial (USB) interface on protection module (PRM serial interface) is used to transfer
the slot configuration and relay configuration to the IMx-M rack slot wise.
to find out which COM port number to use or to
change COM port number.