LED Indicators
SKF Multilog On
-Line System IMx-M
4 - 33
User Manual
LED Indicator ANALOG ch1 to ch16 for Complementary Differential Expansion
Behavior (in priority
order, high to low)
Yellow slow flash (4)
Channel Alert + Danger First Out
Current channel status is:
- Analog ch is used for the moment
- Combination measurement ch is alert and danger first out
Yellow (3)
Channel Alert
Current channel status is:
- Analog ch is used for the moment
- Combination measurement ch is alert
Green slow flash (2)
Channel OK + Danger First Out
The current channel status is:
- Analog ch is used for the moment
- Combi
nation measurement ch is OK and danger first out
Green (1)
Channel OK
The current channel status is:
- Analog ch is used for the moment
Combination measurement ch is OK
Only the indication of highest priority will be shown.
An indication of lower priority will be masked by a higher priority indication
even if the conditions for each of them are fulfilled.
Higher priority number means higher priority.
Yellow fast flash (9) indication:
Ch Ch Not OK/Alert/Danger
The analog channel is disarmed and the current channel status is any
combination of:
Analog ch is not OK, alert or danger
Gap is alert and/or danger
- Combined measurement ch is alert an
d/or danger
If the channel was armed, the indication would change to reflect one or more
of the three status conditions above.