Protection Part Operation
2 - 46
SKF Multilog O
n-Line System IMx-M
User Manual
Buff out 1 and Buff out 2: A channel can be selected from analog channels 1 to
Buff out 3: A channel can be selected from digital channels 1 to 8.
Buff out 1
Buff out 2
Buff out 3
Figure 2 - 24.
Examples of Buffered O
Confirm the selection with
Channel Values
The Channel Value menu shows channel values with engineering unit and/or detection
type for all channels (if applicable).
Analog Ch Values
: Displays engineering unit and detection type of all analog
channels 1 to 16 and combined measurements 1 to 8.
Analog Ch Bias
: Displays analog channel bias in mV (or uA if configured for 4-20
mA input) for all analog channels bias (same as Gap) 1 to 16.
Digital Ch Val
: Displays engineering unit of all digital channels 1 to 8.
Digital Ch Peak
: Displays engineering unit of all digital channels peak 1 to 8.
Select values to be shown with up and down arrows.
Figure 2 - 25.
Channel Values Menu.