Index - 2
SKF Multilog On
-Line System IMx-M
User Manual
electrostatic discharge (ESD) prevention 4-2
environmental 7-1
ESD (electrostatic discharge) prevention 4-2
Ethernet 4-13, 4-29
cable 4-13
connections 4-13
LEDs 4-29
switch 4-13
flammability rating 4-6
front panel 7-8
galvanic isolated parts 4-8
grounding 4-7
hardware maintenance 4-36
hot-swap 4-36
sensors 4-36
ventilation fan 4-36
hot-swap 4-36
I/O card 4
-30, 7-13, 7-21
channels and DIP switches 7-21
drawing 7-13
LEDs 4-30
important messages 1-1
IMx-M 1-6
features 1-7
general overview 1-6
initiating 1-8
mean time to failure (MTTF) 1-9
time 3-1
unit components 1-6
input's shield 4-7
installation 4-1
instrument ground 4-7
latching alarms reset 2-120
LED indicators 4-27, 4-28, 4-29, 4-30
CPU card 4-29
I/O card 4
power supply unit 4-27
relay card 4-28
local display 7-12
local display selection keypad 7-12
mains power 4-9
maintenance of sensors 4-36
miscellaneous 7-5
Modbus (L1, L2) 2-172
exported Modbus registers 2-172
RS485 bus termination 2-172
Modbus (L3) 2-188
RS485 bus termination 2-188
mounting 4-2
outputs 7-2
piston rod drop 2-18
power consumption 7-2
power fuses 4-12
power supply 7-1
power fuses location 4-11
power presence 4-11
power supply unit 1-6, 4-9, 4-11, 4-27, 7-10
drawing 7-10
LEDs 4-27
power cable attachment 4-9
power connectors 4-9
redundant power supply 4-9
wires and cables flammability rating 4-9
PRM safety considerations 2-1
protection part 2-25, 2-32, 2-52, 2-172, 4-14,
4-18, 7-2, 7-3, 7-4
4-20 mA output 4-23
analog inputs 4-14, 7-2
analog measurement 7-3
circuit fault diagnostic command 2-33
digital inputs 4-18, 7-2
digital measurement 7-3
disarm 2-52
interface 7-4
Modbus (L1, L2) 2-172
operation 2-32
outputs 7-2
relays 2-25, 7-3