Devices with a redundant interconnection are configured multiple times in the network and
exported in the same number during the export of a network (you can find information on this
in the section ""Select object" dialog box (Page 104)").
Parameter export
If only one object is selected for export, only one parameter export is performed to the export
Parameter export files are created only for device objects. No parameter export files are stored
for networks or similar objects.
The parameter export file is labeled with the prefix "Param$".
Structure export
If a set of objects (an object with subobjects) is selected for export, a structure export is also
performed to the export directory.
Along with the structure export file, a directory of the same name containing the parameter
export files of the exported objects is generated.
Along with the structure export file, a directory of the same name containing the parameter
export files of the exported objects is generated during the structure export.
Export directory
● Struct$<Plant-specific device name>$<Date(YYYYMMDD_hhmmss)>.xml
● Directory Struct$<Plant-specific device name>$<Date(YYYYMMDD_hhmmss)
– Param$<Plant-specific device name>$<Date(YYYYMMDD_hhmmss)>.xml
In addition to the parameter export files of the individual objects, a structure export file is
produced during the export of object structures. The structure export file contains the object
topology information including all information required to generate the exported object structure
again or to expand an existing object structure. The structure export file is labeled with the
prefix "Struct$".
The export of data of a PDM object generates files in XML format. For the import, you can
select an XML file and choose whether a parameter import or a structure import should be
7.5 Export / Import
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Operating Manual, 02/2014, A5E33203676-AA