The configuration and parameter assignment data for the selected device (or for the devices
that are subordinate to the PDM object) is exported.
The progress of the export is shown in the list of devices during the export process.
The dialog box is updated during the export process.
Status display
● During the process, the display field shows the entry "Export: action started".
● Once the process is complete, the display field shows the entry "Export: action completed
without error".
Message log
The message log shows all warnings, errors and information related to the export. You can
find information on this in the section "Message log (Page 138)".
Importing configuration and parameter assignment data
Depending on the selection, the export generates parameter export files and structure export
files in XML format. For the import, you can select an XML file and choose whether a parameter
import or structure import is be performed.
Import environment
You can import data from the following environments:
● In the process device network view in SIMATIC Manager
● In the process device plant view in SIMATIC Manager
● In HW Config
The import is always started for an object, e.g., via the menu bar or via the shortcut menu in
SIMATIC Manager. The name of the object for which the import dialog was opened appears
in the name field of the dialog.
Object consistency check
A consistency check of the device types and objects is performed automatically during the
import process.
● Imported object
Type of object from which the import file is generated.
● Existing object (target object)
Type of object that is selected in the configuration as the target object of the import.
7.5 Export / Import
Help for SIMATIC PDM (V8.2)
Operating Manual, 02/2014, A5E33203676-AA