Explanations/operating instructions
Device type
Shows the device type as specified in the "Device Selection" dialog box.
Device DDL
Shows the device description file assigned to the object.
Article number
Shows the article number of the device.
Shows the manufacturer.
EDD revision
Shows the version of the device description file (hexadecimal format).
Type ID
Shows the device type (hexadecimal format).
Device revision
Shows the hardware version of the device (hexadecimal format).
"Diagnostics" tab
In this tab, you can display information about the communication of the device. The icon shown
for the device depends on the information available.
Explanations/operating instructions
Shows whether the communication is good or faulty.
Device status
Shows specific information about the status of the connected device.
Last check
Shows the date when the device was last tested.
Message text
Shows detailed information about the device status.
"Update Diagnostics" button
Click the "Update Diagnostics" button if required.
"Communication" tab
In this tab, you can display the address of a device (short address for HART devices). If the
device was configured in the process devices network view, you can change the address.
Explanations/operating instructions
Short address*
(default value: 1)
The short address is displayed here for HART devices.
* Entry can be changed.
Menus and dialog boxes in SIMATIC PDM
8.3 "Device" menu
Help for SIMATIC PDM (V8.2)
Operating Manual, 02/2014, A5E33203676-AA