Floor repeater terminal FT2010
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
Floor repeater terminal FT2010
The floor repeater terminal FT2010 is used for users whose indication and
operation requirements are restricted to the main functions. Applications include
e.g. sister stations in hospitals. The floor repeater terminal FT2010 is connected
directly to the FDnet detector line.
The floor repeater terminal comes in two versions:
FT2010-A1 with plastic rear panel, and an attachment depth of 79 mm
FT2010-C1 with flat rear panel made from steel plate and an attachment depth
of 45 mm
The floor repeater terminal has the following features:
Connection to the FDnet detector line
Power supply possible via the FDnet detector line
External AC or DC supply possible
8-line display with 40 characters per line and backlight
Operation enabled by key switch
Operation: Acknowledge and reset
Six configurable LEDs and keys (with SintesoWorks)
Insertable inscription strips
You will find a description of how to operate and label the key switches and
LEDs in document 009310.
You will find templates for the inscription strips in document 009026.