Sauter flexotron®800
Functional description
Frost protection thermostat cannot be combined with shutdown mode.
Heat exchangers
The heat exchanger unit can be set to one of the following alternatives:
Plate exchanger
Rotating exchanger
Liquid connected exchanger
Mixing dampers
Plate exchanger
The airflow through the exchanger is controlled by a shut-off damper and a by-pass
damper. Both dampers are controlled by the same analogue output
’’Y2 Heat
’’ or by two digital outputs ‘‘Exchanger 3-pos. actuator, increase’’ and
‘‘Exchanger, 3-pos. actuator, decrease’’, and are wired so that one opens as the other
De-icing is activated either when the digital input signal
’’De-icing’’ is activated or when
the value of the analogue input
’’De-icing thermostat Exchanger’’ falls below the de-
icing limit (-3°C). It is deactivated when the digital input is reset or the analogue input
rises above the limit value plus a settable differential.
On de-icing:
A PI-controller compares the de-icing setpoint with the signal
’’De-icing Exchanger’’.
The lesser of the output signal from this controller and the output from the ordinary
controller is used as output to the dampers.
Rotating exchanger
Rotational speed is controlled by the analogue signal
’’Y2 Heat exchanger’’ or by two
digital outputs
‘‘Exchanger 3-pos. actuator, increase’’ and ‘‘Exchanger, 3-pos. actuator,
’’. A rotation sentinel can be connected to the digital input ’’Rotation sentinel
’’. An alarm is generated if this input is activated at the same time as the
analogue output signal is higher than 1.0V.
Liquid connected exchanger
A mixing valve in the exchanger circulation system is controlled by the analogue signal
’’Y2 Heat exchanger’’ or by two digital outputs ‘‘Exchanger 3-pos. actuator, increase’’
‘‘Exchanger, 3-pos. actuator, decrease’’.
The circulation pump (digital output "Start/stop circulation pump, liquid exchanger") is
started as soon as the actuator control signal exceeds 0.1 V and is stopped when the
valve has been closed for more than 5 minutes.
De-icing is activated either when the digital input signal
’’De-icing’’ is activated or when
the value of the analogue input
’’De-icing thermostat Exchanger’’ falls below the de-
icing limit (-3°C). It is deactivated when the digital input is reset or the analogue input
rises above the limit value plus a settable differential.
On de-icing:
A PI-controller compares the de-icing setpoint with the signal
’’De-icing Exchanger’’.
The lesser of the output signal from this controller and the output from the ordinary
controller is used as output to the actuator.