Sauter flexotron®800
16.18 Enthalpy control
Cooling recovery
run when enthalpy is
greater outdoor than
indoor : Active
For a detailed description, see section 5.1.8 Enthalpy control.
16.19 External setpoint
An external setpoint device can be connected. The setpoint device must follow the
Ni1000 resistance curve. The setting range can be restricted.
External setpoint
Not active
Min setp.: 12.0°C
Max setp.: 30.0°C
For details, see section 5.1.10 External setpoint.
16.20 Run indication / Motor protection
Digital input signals are used to supervise fans and pumps. They can be configured
either for indication of the motor running or for monitoring of motor protection contacts.
An input configured for run indication should normally be closed during operation.
Open input when the motor is running, i.e. motor control output is activated, will
generate an alarm.
For supply air fans and extract air fans, there is also a conflict alarm, i. e. an alarm if the
run indication input is closed even though the motor control output is not activated. See
alarm 33 Supply Air Fan external operation and alarm 34 Extract Air Fan external
operation in the section Alarm configuration.
An input configured as motor protection should be normally open, i. e. closed contact
when the motor is running, i.e. motor control output is activated, will generate an alarm.
Run ind./Motor prot
SAF: Motor
EAF: Motor
Run ind./Motor prot
P1 Heat: Motor
P1 Exch: Motor
P1 Cool: Motor
When running frequency controlled fans, the pressure signal from each respective fan’s
pressure transmitter is normally used as run indication signal. If the pressure falls below
the set value during normal operation, a malfunction alarm is activated.