Sauter flexotron®800
Air control
Air control
Pressure control SAF and EAF
When using pressure or flow controlled fans, the setpoint can be temperature
The compensation has the default value 0 Pa, i.e. no compensation is added. The
compensation is linear between the setting points. The compensation can be positive or
The same compensation normally applies to both fans. Using CASE flexotron®, you
can choose to compensate only the supply air fan.
The same compensation is applied to both "Normal" and "Reduced", which means that
you need to take caution when using this function so the pressure does not become too
low or even negative when running reduced speed.
Depending on the choice of fan control, different combinations of the menus below will
be shown.
Pressure control SAF. (There are corresponding menus for EAF)
Pressure contr. SAF
Actual: 480 Pa
Setp.: 490 Pa
Submenu "Setpoint"
Pressure contr. SAF
Setp 1/1: 490 Pa
Setp 1/2: 300 Pa
Submenu "Outdoor compensation"
Outd. comp. setp.
-20 °C = -50 Pa
10 °C = 0 Pa
Act. Comp: -5 Pa
Submenu "Extra compensation curve"
15 °C = 0 Pa
20 °C = 0 Pa
25 °C = 0 Pa
Flow control SAF. (There are corresponding menus for EAF)
Flow control SAF
Actual: 1800 m3/h
Setp.: 2000 m3/h
Submenu "Setpoint"
Flow control SAF
Setp 1/1: 2000 m3/h
Setp 1/2: 1000 m3/h
Submenu "Outdoor compensation"
Outdoor comp. setp.
-20 °C = 0.0 m3/h
10 °C = 0.0 m3/h
Act. Comp: 0.0 m3/h