Sauter flexotron®800
About flexotron®800
Support control
When using the control function room control or extract air temperature control, it is
possible to utilise support-heating and/or support-cooling. Minimum running time is
settable 0…720 minutes. (factory setting 20 minutes).
Free cooling
The function is used during the summer to cool the building during the night using cool
outdoor air thereby reducing the need to run chillers during the day. The function can
also be activated during daytime if the temperature so allows.
Enthalpy control for free cooling/heating
This function is used to override the mixing damper to increasing recirculation
depending on the result of the enthalpy calculation.
Cooling recovery
If the extract air is colder than the outdoor air and cooling is required, the heat
exchanger control is reversed in order to return the cool extract air. This function also
activates the heating function
‘‘Free heating’’ (see section titled ‘‘Free heating’’ below).
Free heating
If the extract air is cooler than the outdoor air and heating is required, outdoor air will
primarily be used.
Recirculation control
Recirculation of air using a supply air fan and recirculation damper, with or without
temperature control.
Preheating or precooling of the intake air via an underground intake channel.
Step controllers Heating/Cooling
As an alternative to the analogue control of
’’Actuator heating Y1’’ or ’’Actuator cooling
’’, step controllers can be used to control heating or cooling in steps using digital