R01UH0822EJ0100 Rev.1.00
Page 198 of 1041
Jul 31, 2019
RX13T Group
14. Interrupt Controller (ICUb)
Interrupt Controller (ICUb)
The interrupt controller receives interrupt requests from peripheral modules and external pins, and generates an interrupt
request to the CPU and a transfer request to the DTC.
lists the specifications of the interrupt controller, and
shows a block diagram of the interrupt
Note 1. For the DTC trigger, refer to Table 14.3, Interrupt Vector Table.
Table 14.1
Specifications of Interrupt Controller
Peripheral function
Interrupts from peripheral modules
Interrupt detection: Edge detection/level detection
Edge detection or level detection is fixed for each source of connected peripheral modules.
External pin
Interrupts from pins IRQ0 to IRQ5
Number of sources: 6
Interrupt detection: Low level/falling edge/rising edge/rising and falling edges
One of these detection methods can be set for each source.
Digital filter function: Supported
Software interrupt
Interrupt generated by writing to a register
One interrupt source
Interrupt priority
Specified by registers.
Fast interrupt
Faster interrupt processing of the CPU can be set only for a single interrupt source.
DTC control
Interrupt sources can be used to start the DTC.*
NMI pin interrupt
Interrupt from the NMI pin
Interrupt detection: Falling edge/rising edge
Digital filter function: Supported
Oscillation stop
detection interrupt
Interrupt on detection of oscillation having stopped
IWDT underflow/
refresh error
Interrupt on an underflow of the down counter or occurrence of a refresh error
Voltage monitoring
1 interrupt
Voltage monitoring interrupt of voltage monitoring circuit 1 (LVD1)
Voltage monitoring
2 interrupt
Voltage monitoring interrupt of voltage monitoring circuit 2 (LVD2)
Return from power-down modes
Sleep mode, deep sleep mode:
Return is initiated by non-maskable interrupts or any other interrupt source.
Software standby mode:
Return is initiated by non-maskable interrupts, IRQ0 to IRQ5 interrupts.