2.9 Interfacing the Optional PicMix Surround Monitor System
Version 1.2 console software supports the optional GPI interface card that is required for
console to PicMix communications. The GPI card provides three general-purpose
outputs to the PicMix Multi-Format Monitor system:
- COMM or TB/SLATE pressed.
- Any Solo button pressed
- Chan In-Place or Mix In-Place Solo is active.
Connection to the PicMix system is via a 37 pin D-sub connector present on the PicMix
Controller rack option for the Status Console.
For further information about PicMix and the Status General Purpose Interface card,
contact your Otari representative.
2.10 Set-up And Initial Turn-on
The following procedures should be performed under the supervision of your authorized
Otari representative.
2.10.1 Normalizing the Console
It is good operating procedure to completely normalize the console before starting a
session or performing system tests. All controls are placed in their “neutral” position (off,
centered, released, etc., depending on the specific function). This reduces the possibility
that a signal will be misrouted by some switch or knob being left in an improper position.
This normalization procedure should also be followed before turning the console on for
the first time. When console normalization is performed on an operating console, make
sure that the monitor system is set at a low level to prevent unexpected high level signals
from damaging the monitor speakers.
To normalize the console, follow this procedure:
Place all manual console switches in the Up (released) position.
Turn all Level controls fully counter-clockwise (off).
Turn all Pan Pots to their center position.
Place the STEREO MASTER fader at its “0” position (unity gain).
Place all other linear faders in their lowermost position (off).
Remove all patch cords from the patch bay.
Operation and Maintenance Manual
Section 2 - Installation
August 1999
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