5.7 Introduction to Switch Automation
Switch moves are written to data using the module switch buttons and the options
found on the SWITCH menu of the console’s Automation LCD Menu. Three basic
modes are used for switch automation:
• Write:
The switch’s On/Off state is written to data, overwriting any previous moves for
that switch. The switch can be taken out of write during the pass or be set to drop to
Read when time code stops.
• Read:
The switch is set to the On/Off state written in data. If the switch is pressed
during playback, it will remain in that state until the next change for that switch comes
from data.
• Update:
The mode most often used for writing individual switches and editing previous
switch moves. When in Update mode, the On/Off state of the switch is read from data
until the switch is pressed. When pressed, the switch drops into Write and changes it’s
On/Off state according to the prevailing switch entry mode:
Toggle -
When the switch entry mode is set to Toggle, a switch in Update Read drops
into Write and toggles state the first time it is pressed. Further presses toggle the
switch’s state. This is most useful when writing initial switch moves.
Match -
When the switch entry mode is set to Match, a switch in Update Read drops
into Write but does not toggle state the first time it is pressed. Further presses toggle
the switch’s state. This is most useful when editing existing switch moves in data.
Switch automation also has a mechanism for taking switches out of Write while a pass is
in progress. Switch Leave mode comes in two varieties:
• Leave Momentary:
When active, the next switch pressed will leave Write mode and
return to Read. Leave mode is then cancelled. Leave Momentary allows a single switch
to leave Write mode then have normal switch entry resume.
• Leave Lock:
When active, Switch Leave mode remains in effect until canceled or
timecode stops. Leave Lock allows a number of switches to leave Write mode without
having to press Leave repeatedly.
All switches in Update Write automatically return to Read at the end of a mix
Section 5 - Eagle Automation
Operation and Maintenance Manual
5 - 38
August 1999