5.5.2 Console Window
Console window
is a graphical representation of the console work surface. From
this window you can accomplish the following tasks:
a) Operate console faders and switches from the video display.
b) Select faders and switches then control them as a group.
c) View current switch states and fader levels by path or item.
d) Open and audition multiple mixes for comparison.
The cursor can be used to
faders and switches or
the console
window. To choose which function the cursor has, Right-click while the cursor is over
the Console window to display the Cursor Function menu then Left-click the function
is chosen, console faders and switches can be directly controlled from
the Console window. When faders or switches are selected they are under master
control of the Console Controls window. When
is chosen, the cursor moves the
faders and switches within the Console window.
Operation and Maintenance Manual
Section 5 - Eagle Automation
August 1999
5 - 13
Switch On/In
Switch Off/Out
Selected Fader
Knob indicates Physical Fader Level.
Bar indicates stored Fader Level.
Selected Switches (Yellow Highlight)
Zoom In/Out
View Mix, Chan, or
both paths.
Store a View in each Tab.
Pan Console Window side to side.
Pan Console Window up and down.
View Faders, Switches, or both.