5.9.7 Leave Write (Manual Faders)
Leave Write is a transition mode that provides a means of matching a fader’s knob
position to its level in data then seamlessly exiting Write mode.
While in Leave Write, the path’s module Status LEDs sequence to indicate the direction
that the fader must be moved to match levels. When the match point is reached, the
fader automatically drops into Read mode.
If Auto Glide is On, entering Leave Write will cause the faders write level to start fading
toward its level in data. When the two levels match, the fader automatically drops into
Read mode.
• To execute Leave Write from Write or Offset Write:
while the path is in Write will put the path in Leave Write, regardless of
button style is in use.
• Mode Indication:
LED = Flash,
LED = Off
• To go directly to Read from Leave Write:
5.9.8 Update (Manual Faders)
While in Update mode, the fader levels previously written in data are played back, being
raised or lowered (offset) by the amount that the fader is above or below the fader’s zero
offset (null) point. During Update, all previously written fader moves are retained, but the
relative level of those moves is changed.
Update is auto-nulling, meaning that the fader’s position at the time the path enters
Update becomes the path’s zero offset (null) point.
To execute Update mode from Read, select a module and press a Master Section
button. To put all paths into Update, press
in the Master Section, then press
the Master Section
If the
button style is set to Update, pressing
from Read will put the assigned
path into Update.
When any path is put into Update, Record is automatically enabled on the Automation
• Mode Indication:
LED = Off,
LED = On
• To go to Leave Update mode:
• To go to Offset Write mode:
Using Update
Update mode is used to raise or lower existing moves by a relative amount. For
example, suppose that you wrote the fader levels for a vocal track that included a
number of rides to compensate for problems in the performance. If later you found that
the whole vocal track needed to be raised in the mix, you could write all of the vocal
moves over again or you could just update the existing track by a few dB.
While in Read mode, select a module and press a Master Section
button. If you
don’t touch the fader, nothing will change. If you raise or lower the fader, the moves that
are playing back will be raised or lowered by the amount that you move the fader.
It is sometimes useful to set the fader at 0 when entering Update mode. The fader dB
scale then shows the amount that the track is raised or lowered from its original levels.
To match levels and exit the Update mode, use the Leave Write mode described later.
When going into Write mode from Update mode, Eagle offsets the fader level
automatically to prevent level changes at the transition point. You can then use Leave
Write to return to Read mode.
Section 5 - Eagle Automation
Operation and Maintenance Manual
5 - 56
August 1999