Using Vertical Nulling
After entering Image Recall Mode, select two or more modules by pressing their Select
buttons.The console is now in Vertical Nulling Mode.
When you begin to adjust an item, the LED display changes to show the nulling
information for that control. To null another item on that module, simply begin to adjust
it- the LED display will switch to display nulling information.
To null other modules, deselect the one you are working on and select another.
To return to Recall Display mode, deselect all modules.
• Up to 7 modules may be selected. They don’t have to be next to each other.
• It is not necessary to null items in any particular order.
• It is not necessary to null all items, null only the knobs and switches that you desire.
• To enter Horizontal Nulling Mode, deselect all modules then select one module as the
Null Controller.
Fast Switch Nulling Mode
Fast Switch Nulling mode is a special mode, available through the LCD Menu System.
This mode provides a faster method for nulling switches, where the state of all 6
mechanical switches will be displayed simultaneously on a section of the LEDs. This is
an interactive display mode and continuously updates as the switches are adjusted.
In this mode the LED/Switch mapping is follows:
In Fast Switch Nulling Mode, all switch settings (on all modules) may be nulled in one
operation, with the LED indicators providing operator feedback in real time.
Changing Between Nulling Modes
When the operator enters Image Recall mode, the console is in Recall Display mode, no
nulling can occur in this mode.
To enter Horizontal Nulling Mode, simply select a module using its
button. This
module becomes the Null Controller.
To enter Vertical Nulling Mode, select two or more modules.
To return to Recall Display mode, deselect all modules.
To switch from Vertical Mode back to Horizontal Mode, the operator must de-select all
modules, then select a new Null Controller.
Fast Switch Nulling Mode may be entered at any time by pressing the
on the Recall Display, Horizontal Nulling, or Vertical Nulling LCD displays.
Section 4 - Operation
August 1999
4 - 35
Operation and Maintenance Manual
EQ High Chan
EQ High Mid Q
EQ Low Mid Q
EQ Low Chan
EQ High Pass
Fast Nulling Indication